My books

My books reflect my continuous search in the M/s lifestyle for my slave aka forever girl over four decades. These books are based upon reality with some additional fictional elements, or perhaps not. I leave it up to you to decide which parts. To protect the participant's anonymity, their first names, apart from one, were changed or used initials only. You will read about several incredible women who were not so.

My first love, AMH, was not a submissive. Her betrayal drove me into the arms of my first submissive, who changed my mind about this lifestyle. After her, I sought only those who wanted my domination and were willing to serve me as I wanted. I want to thank JP and CS for their submission, enriching our desires, and influencing who I became. PPK, to whom I dedicated all my writings for her, to understand and entice her own discoveries as she inflamed my vitality to write. PPK, free your soul and be that girl! My poems and writings reflect the joys, the passion, disappointment, and betrayal.
You can read these books by as .PDF files. If you wish to download a PDF version just click on ther book image below.

Note: this one is fully illustrated with female nudity from my past life.
If you are bothered by nudity download the regular version below.

I made a Manual for my slave as a reference "bible" of sort. Once you decide to submit to me on-line, and I can trust you I will send it to you in a PDF file format. For you to prepare yourself how to serve me 24/7.

Maual for My slave